
The price for a subscription is


Per Team, Per Sport Director, Per Month
Excluding 21% VAT

There is a 10% discount when paying for a full calendar year.


Team Velo consists of 2 sport directors, 5 soigneurs, 2 mechanics and 14 riders.

They would have to pay:
2 sport directors x €29,99 = €59,98 per month
or yearly
€59,98 x 12 months = €719.76 with a 10% discount is only €647,78 (ex VAT) for a whole year!


Is there a free trial?

Yes we can give you the possibility to try out VeloDS. We can either give you access for 4 weeks to see the functionality in a Demo Team. Or we can set-up a new team environment which will expire in 4 weeks.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription by contacting us. But there will be no refund for the remaining period that your contract has been agreed.

What happens when my subscription ends?

Your data will be deleted 3 months after deactivation of your team environment.

How do I register?

You can register by contacting us. We will then, based on your requirements, set-up the team environment.

How am I protected?

Your data is stored on servers which are located in the EU. The data protection laws of the EU will therefore apply. We will never provide your data to third parties for reason other than to support the functionality of the platform

Are there any offers?

We are open to collaborations with parties to enhance our visibility. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Do you offer support?

Yes support is included in the subscription. First look are our helpdesk page and reach out to us if you need assistance. We will aim to answer within 24 hours, monday to friday from 8.00 – 17.00 (Amsterdam timezone).

Where is your head office?

Our office is located in the Netherlands. We will sometimes be at the races, just come by if you see somebody with a VeloDS logo on their jacket.

Can I provide feedback?

We are more than happy with feedback. We are always looking for new ideas to enhance the platform and improve usability for all users. Please contact us to give your feedback.

Contact us!

Get in contact with us and we answer any questions you may have.

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VeloDS is a product which has been developed by 14IT. A Dutch based company with 25 years of experience in software development.


Please use our contact form to reach out to us.


14IT is based in the Netherlands.